Monday, September 14, 2009

New Attitude!

Yesterday, I went to see Menopause, the Musical! with a group of friends - what a gas! It was about changing from one phase of life to another, specifically women in midlife, but this is applicable to all genders, all ages. The show climaxes with the song I Got a New Attitude, as the four women come to accept the differences in their bodies, minds and spirits.

Don't you wish you'd been aware, as a 20-year old, that confidence and self-acceptance are infinitely sexier than a size 2 waistline? Perhaps you did know. Me, not so much. I simply couldn't see myself as 'pretty enough.' This is probably a common problem, thanks, in part, to the ravenous media which needs to airbrush SuperModels so that they're 'pretty enough.'

The point here is that Beauty, that which brings aesthetic gratification simply by being nearby, is not limited to one image, one skin tone, one age, or even one's look, at all. Rather, it is one's outlook that speaks volumes to the world.

What does yours say?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How does stress affect your face?

Without a doubt, stress affects us: our health, our heart, even our hair can get frizzy - and gray! When we're racing to pay the bills, and placate the boss, and feed the family AND retain our relationships, the last thing we need is to worry about what we look like!

Or, is it? Taking 10 minutes in the morning and 10 at night to care for our skin does a few things ... it slows us down, if only for 600 seconds; it forces us to be kind to ourselves, reminding us why we are kind to others; and, it has the wonderful side-affect of making us look better.

Suddenly, we look in the mirror and think, "Wow! I look good today!" Looking better, we feel better. That out of control spiral has slowed, maybe even flipped directions. It did for me.

Ask me how!
Happy to Share!