Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

Wow! What an absolutely AWESOME time I had in Dallas at the Mary Kay Seminar! It was incredible!

How does this company inspire me? Just a few highlights:

In front of the Dallas Convention Center, Mary Kay & Habitat for Humanity were building their 8th home. It will be completed & delivered at the end of Seminar.

The Mary Kay Foundation donated a whopping $3 million last year from the Beauty with a Purpose lipstick campaign ~ this, on top of the $21 million donated to date ~ to stamp out domestic violence.

The Mary Kay Foundation has built 5 Outdoor Environmental Centers for children from violent homes, for it has been clinically proven that children heal better through therapy in nature.

The Mary Kay Foundation has donated over $13 million to fight against cancers affecting women.

Supported fully through a recycling campaign, the Mary Kay Foundation planted 200,000 trees in the Bitterrrot National Forest last year, replacing much-needed trees that had been wiped out by wildfire.

Yes, yes ... Mary Kay is a skin care & cosmetics company. But the longer I am with them, the more I learn they are really a Beauty company; Beauty that comes from confidence, kindness and compassion. Beauty that inspires others. Beauty that comes from a spiritual connection. Beauty that can't be seen, but only felt.

The truth about Beauty is that it IS only skin deep ~ and Mary Kay is Beautiful, through & through.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Believing is Seeing

It is with grace & gratitude I write this post.

Prologue: June 30th was the end of my Mary Kay year ~ the first full year I'd been with this incredible, supportive company. Last January I set the audacious goal of Princess Court of Sales ... $20,000 in retail sales (that's a lotta lipstick!) Working hard, working consistently, my goal was in sight, when my son got very sick and I took off the entire month of May. It looked like perhaps next year was more realistic.

My amazing director, Susan Dale, sent me a simple card reminding me that it was not impossible. And though my eyebrows shot up, it got under my skin ... maybe I could do this ... why not? ... of course I can!

~ Focus on Success ~

What happened when I changed my perception? By believing something was attainable, it became so. Suddenly I had greater confidence, and that passion spilled over to all my friends and customers. We all were a part of something big and exciting, and we wanted to win!

Did you hear that perspective shift? We wanted. We worked. and so, We succeeded.

Life does not happen in a vacuum. How I think, what I focus on, gets generated! But only with your help. When I believed, you joined in! (Now, I've lived long enough and had enough tragedy to understand that the wild-hair meteorite comes crashing through the roof from time to time. Still, how I've responded to those crises ... that is what sets the tone, not the event itself.)

You know, this is one of those self-evident kinds of truisms; but even though it had rumbled around inside my head , these last two weeks rang it home like a iron bell. Susan believed, so I believed, so a hundred other people believed, so it came to be.

It was stunning. Humbling.
I am honored to be a part of such a thing.

We are all connected.
What wonders shall we create next?