Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Commitment

It's pretty easy to say, "I'm going to do this," or "I'm working toward that." But when there's nobody looking over your shoulder and no hard deadline to fear, accountability can slip right through my fingers and the doing, well, doesn't get done.

That's what happened. I had said, "I'm working toward my Mary Kay car!" and I meant it. What I didn't do is really WORK toward it. Oh, maybe I gave 50%, but that's just not good enough. I even got inspired in January, and it bumped up to 75%.

Last week, at the Mary Kay Regional Office (of all places!) my car died. Dead.
I couldn't help but laugh. It felt like God was looking at me, shoulders shrugging, saying, "You said you wanted this ... Consider it a nudge!"

And so, I am making The Commitment. I WILL EARN my Mary Kay car by April! I WILL WORK toward it each and every day, despite the 500 pound phone! And I WILL DESERVE the accomplishment!

You saw it here first. Ask me how it's going!

"The Power of Inspirational Songs" ....And A Special Treat For you =)

"The Power of Inspirational Songs" ....And A Special Treat For you =)

This is an amazing young woman who truly lives what she speaks. Enjoy her beautiful music, her beautiful smile, her beautiful spirit.